Wednesday, February 13, 2013


   Life in my utopia is not like your regular life.  In my utopia life is a whole lot better than your average life.  See in my utopia we live on a peaceful little island.  The island is called Leaf Cay Island.  Here at the island we all go to school,but we all do not go to college. All of the people in my utopia got to high school,but then some people are picked every thirty-five years to become a city council member. Only one person is picked though in the seniors group that certain year. You are very lucky if you get picked to be the city council member,because unlike certain places there are many council members,but we only have one here at Leaf Cay Island. Also we have sports our town plays every other Saturday if you want. They are softball,baseball,volleyball,basketball,and swimming competitions. We hope you come and visit us and end up staying here at my island.

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